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Family Coupons

This 2023, the Baix Llobregat Tourism Consortium is reissuing this coupon with new discounts and promotions with the collaboration of 12 tourist spaces in the region – Colonia Güell, the Olympic Canal of Catalonia, the Natural Spaces of the Llobregat Delta, the Sant Boi Museum (Can Barraquer, Termes Romanes i Torre de Benviure), the Minas de Gavá Archaeological Park, the Montserrat de Collbató Caves, Catalonia in Miniature and Catalonia in Miniature Adventure, the Museums of Esplugues, the Water Museum, the Jujol de Sant Joan Despí itinerary and the MMACA Mathematics Museum of Catalonia. Families interested in enjoying these discounts just have to go to the website www.turismebaixllobregat.com/coupons and fill out a form with your information to receive a coupon with promotions to visit the main tourist resources of Baix Llobregat. The coupon can also be downloaded online.


We propose different activities and unique spaces to visit in the city of Barcelona 

Barcelona Wax Museum

The recently renovated Barcelona Wax Museum houses more than 150 figures, both national and international, distributed in 28 new settings and offering a new, fresh and interactive experience. Antoni Gaudí and Eusebi Güell will welcome you to the museum in their first room!

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Gaudí Experience

You will see Gaudí with different eyes. Enter the creative universe of the genius of modernist architecture in an interactive way and with 4D technology in Gaudí Experience and discover what is behind the innovative architectural language of Antoni Gaudí.

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Style Outlet

At the Viladecans The Style Outlets center our customers will find everything they need to enjoy a unique experience. After discovering our extensive catalog of brands, you can relax in one of our restaurants or take a walk around the center. Our customers will enjoy the definitive shopping experience thanks to a complete range of services. Adjacent to the 10.000 m2, Viladecans The Style Outlets is defined as a shopping oasis: An open-air center adorned with careful natural surroundings.

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Commitment to tourism sustainability Biosphere

The Crypt was declared Heritage by UNESCO in July 2005 and in 2013 it became the first monument with this recognition to obtain the Biosphere Certification for the sustainable management of its services, a title that has been renewed to align with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. In 2018, coinciding with the European Year of Cultural Heritage, she was awarded as Best Sustainable Cultural Tourism Destination by the European Cultural Tourism Network and the Award for the Sustainability of Cultural, Natural Heritage and Traditions of Barcelona Sustainable Tourism.

The Gaudí Crypt of Colonia Güell is working to renew its certification again. Commitment to tourism sustainability Biosphere, a program that includes a list of good practices in sustainable management of tourism companies and their recognition through a certification for the development of sustainable tourism from a comprehensive perspective and collective work.

Aware of the importance of maintaining sustainable tourism development, the management company of the Gaudí Crypt is committed to carrying out sustainable management of its activities, through the adoption of commitments aimed at preventing, eliminating or reducing the impact of our facilities and activities, both internal and external, as well as optimizing the sustainability of the establishment by improving its behavior with the environment.

In that same sense, our entity has adopted a Responsible Tourism Policy, through which it undertakes to comply with the requirements established in the adhesion to the Commitment to Biosphere tourism sustainability, which includes, among other things, the legal requirements that regulate the effects generated by tourist activity.

We are also committed to promoting good environmental practices in the environment and participating in external activities, and to report both internally and externally on the company's environmental progress and actions. One of our main objectives is to perfect sustainable management, assuming commitments to continuous improvement in all areas of sustainability: social, economic and environmental, as well as customer satisfaction. 

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